To Shape Their Own Future

We have a vision that ignites hope and a fiery passion in our hearts for South Africa

We desire to see towns all over our motherland revived, restored, and renewed. Towns where generations can live out productive lives, knowing they were part of building something remarkable. A legacy of unity in the midst of our diversity. Where our differences become our superpower to achieve something the world will marvel at. Where stories of courage, generosity and radical kindness are told in our streets, townhalls and backyards. Join the Restaurare movement and become a hero in your own town’s story. Envision your town as a place where every person matters and contributes in their own unique way to its beauty and success. A place where every member of the community is proud of their hometown.

Restaurare is a non-profit organisation established to help communities realise the future they envision for their towns. Comprised of eager and dedicated individuals, each member of our team is recognised for their love of communities and the spaces they live in. We’re growing a new generation of strategic town planners, architects, social development experts, investment specialists, and project managers who are passionate about our country and the diverse beauty of its people. Our numbers grow as highly qualified professionals armed with fresh perspectives continue to join our cause.


Our Process

Our process aims to engage the entire community in the realisation that their voices, opinions and dreams for the future of their town matters. They have an active role to play as an extension of their municipalities. By identifying the uniqueness of their own town and their individual contributions, their sense of belonging and ownership is also restored. By building bridges between local government, the business sector, and all residents, it is possible to envision a holistic future for the town and invite people to actively participate in a plan of action.

We are creating a blueprint that will empower local government and their communities to implement realistic, place-based solutions that will benefit the entire community. It is time to put our towns ‘back on the map’ as desirable places to visit and live in.   


We understand that there are many obstacles to overcome. People struggle to let go of past and current injustice and atrocities. It is when we restore and rebuild that we find healing in the journey. In the healing, we turn hot air into the wind that our souls need to soar. Is your community ready to look forward and unite to create the space they’ve all dreamed of living in?


What are the things that matter most to the people in your town? What do you value and dream of for you and your children? What are your common goals for making your town a better place to live in? Through collaboration and hearing every voice from young and old alike we help you paint the picture of your town’s Vision.


We are stronger together. We have learnt that connecting people and encouraging candid conversations will help establish valuable networks in your town. Every resource, creative idea, solution and helping hand is a buried treasure within your community. It is through networking and connecting that those valuable resources are excavated and put to good use.


We know how to take your town’s vision and break it down into bite size pieces to help you achieve it. Conversations and vision statements turn into something that is achievable within realistic timelines. Careful planning allows for budgeting, funding and resource allocations that enables your town to achieve their goals.


After comprehensive stakeholder engagement and formal acceptance of the town’s Vision and Restoration Plan, various projects can be mobilised and implemented to start transforming your town. All projects will be guided by local government, business forums and community leaders in accordance with the town’s strategy for the future.

“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.”

– Pablo Picasso


Small Town Regeneration Strategy